SPOT Messenger Map

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 114 - Separation Anxiety

Hard to believe but today marks only 4 weeks since I started riding with the TerraNova boys.

Wow, in that short month it feels like we've compressed an entire year's worth of adventures.

The title of the post, Separation Anxiety, describes exactly what I've been feeling all weekend. We had great fun in Barranquilla, as promised by May and Toni.

But all along I was looking forward to, and dreading saying the goodbyes.

I know for sure I will see Toni again. Same with May - the next time I'm in 'quilla --- maybe next Carnaval :)

Tim and Troy, on the other hand..... I feel really bonded to these guys. I sure hope they remain safe until out paths cross again.

Naturally, I left town a little later than planned and ... surprise! got caught riding in the dark a bit.

Riding Eastbound along the coast road from Barranquilla you see the mist-shrouded Sierra Santa Marta mountains, dominated by the Pico Cristóbal Colón, which rises almost from the seashore to a commanding 5,775 m

It really does look like there's something behind the fact that virtually everyone I've met in this country suggesting I visit Santa Marta. I can hardly wait to see what it looks like in the daylight...

I finally pull off the road when I see a Hotel sign pointing to a very impressive 6-storey immaculate, while building.

This, I figure, has got the be nicer than the Hotel Canadienese (which, of course, is not hard to do)

Unpack bike as the sounds of Bob Marley's No Woman, No Cry is heard coming from the hotel's restaurant. It was one of the last tunes I played last night while liming at the pool....

The hotel is brand new. I may have been the first to stay in this room, as I had to ask them to turn on the water taps in the room.

Dinner is quite average, but more distressing to me is that being the only patron in a 56-seat restaurant pretty much means I can expect them to notice the fact I'm leaving about 3/4 of the so-called "steak" on my plate.

Not much else to report today. I'm settling down to tackle writing some Hot Wax code, and will be off towards the border in the morning.

Ahhh... The pool area looks spectacular in the sunshine.

And they're still playing Bob on the stereo ...

Still Goin' Toco...


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